What is good Facebook advertising?

Being able to capitalizing on underpriced attention by setting attainable goals, testing, optimizing for ROI and adjusting ad spend proportionately to scale the business.

Understand The Numbers

Knowing who your customers are is the key foundation to running successful Facebook Ad Campaigns. We must be able to identify who your customer is, their demographics and their psychographics. Then we must determine where your customers are coming from, at what percent you are converting leads to customers and what the LTV of a customer is worth to the business.

Set a Target

Once we understand the current climate of the business, only then can we set the temperature on the thermostat. How much new revenue would you like to generate to bring the business to where you want it? How many new customers you need to hit these goals? What is the desired cost per lead that will allow you to reach your target?


There are a few variables that together build successful Facebook Ad Campaigns. The key to developing that successful campaign is to test these variables against each other, isolate the winners and combine them together. What audiences are going to deliver high converting customers? What offers are going to attract these customers? What ad creative is going to attract their attention? What messaging is going to resonate with them?


Testing allows us to generate our first set of data points from Facebook’s Business Manager. Interpreting the data will reveal which ad sets are working as well as which are not. We can then determine which ad sets to shutdown and how to divert ad spend to the ad sets that are outperforming. Optimizing will eliminate wasted ad spend and improve the quality and quantity of new costumers.

Track Data

Once we begin to drive traffic, Facebook Pixel will then allow us to track who that traffic comprises of. That data can be used to create look-a-like audiences of customers who are more likely to convert. It also allows us to track the leads that did not convert to customers. What do we do to those people that didn’t convert? We build a retargeting campaign and retarget warm leads with different content to increase conversion rates.

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Kassa Small
Advertising Director

647 217 4313
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