What makes a good website?

Creating a story that takes the user on a guided journey through the website from landing page through to “call to action” or purchase.

User experience

The web design process always begins with the user. During our strategy process, we gather insights about your customers to understand what it is they want. We use our findings to architect a relevant, pleasurable website with smooth usability.

Information architecture

We believe that a well-orchestrated, efficient site architecture can help combat ever increasing bounce rates. We want to give the users the appropriate information in a logical, intuitive structure. If you have an existing site we are redesigning, we will go through the contents and make sure to organize the information into an optimal structure for your site.


Wireframing allows us to take an isolated look at the relationship between text and graphic elements of the site. Its simple structure allows us to quickly work through different layouts and iterations of your site. We can make fast iterative changes to the site structure until we have one that works.


There are two stages to prototyping: low fidelity and high fidelity. Prototyping allows us to test the interface, structure and flow of the website. We can get a realistic look at the effectiveness and usability of the site while still having the ability to easily make changes before we move on to coding the site.

Responsive web design

We make sure that your design functions seamlessly across all devices. We scale and reposition elements within your website to respond to the landscape layouts of desktops and laptops as well as portrait layouts of tablets and mobile devices.

Our website is kind of awesome, do you want one just like it?