Master Rendering To Save Time

Overcome suffering in studio, and master architecture visualization in 7 days

Discover how to save time in studio by following along with these step by step webinars. Learn how to render like an expert in this FREE, detailed, 7 day video masterclass.
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Here is what you are going to learn

Accurately lighting a scene using; Sun, HDRI skies, light geometry, as well as our favourite, IES lighting.
Creating complex materials from scratch including normal and reflection maps, using only images from Google search.
Saving time rendering by spot testing small areas in your architectural render.
Special bonus
at the end.


CEO & Founder

Learn how I went from studio all-nighters, to agency owner by mastering archviz

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As I am sure you are all currently experiencing, I had trouble learning how to render properly while I was a student. Throughout University we only had 1 class in all 4 years that dealt with computer modeling and rendering, so as you can imagine we all sort of had to fend for ourselves when it comes to architecture visualization. The single most important part of any studio semester, yet I had no idea how to do it. Naturally I gravitated more towards photoshop architecture visualization in my early years at university because photoshop was something I was already very comfortable using. I came across visualizing architecture by Alex Hogrefe and that helped me throughout the first half of my degree. It wasn’t until 3rd year, that a friend of mine showed me a page of amazing MIR renders.

That was when I realized that I would have to eventually learn how to use rendering software and abandon photoshop.

There is just a level of realism that can only be achieved using rendering software. Not to mention photoshop architecture rendering is incredibly inefficient for a multitude of reasons. In that semester, my friend and I set out to learn vray for Rhino to make our renderings look like an MIR render. We failed miserably but it was definitely a step in the right direction.

The problem with trying to learn how create a beautiful architectural render using a program that you haven’t been taught to use, while you have a dozen other things on your plate during studio, is that there just isn’t enough time in the day. No matter how hard I tried and how many all-nighters I pulled, it was just impossible to teach myself vray for Rhino. It wasn’t until I graduated and was working on my portfolio that I came across 3ds max for architecture visualization. I also came to realize that I wasn’t stuck to using vray and that there were plenty of other archviz programs out there like;octane, corona fstorm render, etc. Now that I didn’t have the burden of studio weighing me down I set out to become a master at archviz.

For the next couple of years, I spent every waking moment, that I wasn’t at one of my 2 architecture jobs, learning architectural visualization. I will tell you, it wasn’t an easy process. I had to piece together bits of random lessons from sporadic YouTube videos, blog posts,Facebook groups and forums to teach myself. Eventually, once I had become very good at archviz I decided to leave my architecture jobs and start my own company. Today I am now the Founder and CEO of Ingosy Branding and Visualization in Toronto.

One day while at work, a couple people and I were talking and I thought to myself,

“I really wish that I knew how to render the way I do now back when I was actually in university. It would have been really nice if someone could have taught me about rendering when I was in studio.”

I figured why don’t I do what I wish someone had done for mewhen I was an architecture student.

This bring us to where you are right now, I had my company develop a free 7-day course to help you master rendering.

Our goal is to help save you from having to go through all the pain and troubleshooting that I had to go through in architecture school. If we could help you create better panels, create a nicer portfolio, save time in studio and get 1 extra night’s sleep before a crit, then we achieved our goal. In this free 7-day course, we will send you anew lesson every day consisting of a 30-minute video and written posts. You will learn how to accurately light your scenes, create simple and complex materials, find resources online, plugins to help simplify the process and finally settings to help you save time rendering. We also through in a few extra freebies and bonus at the end as well.

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