Hiring – Arch Viz Wiz (Gandalf or Hermione of Architecture Visualization)

May 22, 2018
2 minute read

As you may have noticed, above is a picture of our office... But not really. That is Hogwarts, but you already know that because that is where you must have graduated from in order to become an Arch Viz Wiz (Trademark pending). We also accept applicants from lesser known universities so don't be discouraged if the sorting hat told you to get lost.

Architecture Visualization might just be, in our humble opinion, one of the coolest occupations in the world. Being able to craft entire works that don't exist yet from nothing other than a few hundred million clicks of the mouse. It is one of those things that is just so hard to explain to people what it is that you do and how exactly you do it. Which is why it is better to just not speak of it with the non wizarding folk... you know, the muggles.

One of the most important things we are looking for in an Arch Viz Wiz is the ability to learn and be self taught. There is always something new to be learned every day when it comes to architecture visualization. If you don't know how to do something, but you are resourceful and can figure it out on your own. That right there is a special kind of wiz.

Among other things there are a few programs that you should be familiar with:

  • 3ds Max
  • Fstorm
  • all things Adobe
  • Forest Pack
  • Connector
  • Rail Clone

As for experience... We believe that experience in the traditional sense of the word is outdated. We are most interested in what you are capable of and if you enjoy learning. You don't need 5+ years of experience to apply. Take a look at our work and if you think you can produce work that is on the same level or even better then get in touch with us. If your work isn't quite at the Arch Viz Wiz level yet, you are still in your second year at Hogwarts, don't stop now. If you are willing to learn and happen to fit perfectly with our company culture, we might still be able to find a spot for you after all.

One last note, the job is in Toronto, Canada. Wizarding capital of Canada... Ottawa is what they tell everyone else as a distraction. Send us your resume to kassa@ingosy.com with a relevant subject line of some sort. Make sure to attach a copy of your portfolio that you work oh so hard on (we know the struggle, we have been there before). If we don't reply to you in a polite amount of time, be sure to send us a follow up email.

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