Hiring – Graphic Designer

May 22, 2018
2 minute read

Why hello there.

You must be a graphic designer, pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Ingosy. We hope you cruised through our website with a fine tooth comb, or more likely than not on the side while you were watching The Office for the 5th time on Netflix. Speaking of The Office... if you are in any way shape or form similar to Dwight Schrute, please don't apply. Except for loving beets, we love beets too.

Why don't we just jump right into it. If you think you are good, truly a good graphic designer and not just mediocre, that is step 1. Step number 2 is confidence, if you don't know how to do something in Illustrator, own that shit. It isn't the end of the world. We want people who have a real passion for learning. Be confident in yourself and not afraid of being judged for not knowing something. There is no judging here at Ingosy... to your face. We do all the judging after work over drinks behind your back. Last but not least, number 3, skill trumps experience. If you don't have 5 years of experience working as a graphic designer but your skills are tight, get in touch anyways.

A wise man once said, "graphic designers are the best people in the world at making things look better than they truly are." - Chris Do, Blind LA

A little bit of general house keeping, here are some of the programs you should be a master at:

  • Photoshop
  • Photoshop
  • Photoshop
  • Photoshop
  • Oh did we mention Photoshop?
  • Illustrator
  • Lightroom
  • Balsamiq
  • Figma
  • InVision
  • The Pencil and Paper
  • Let's just throw in Photoshop again for good measure

Lastly our Agency is based in Toronto, Canada. Send us an email with a relevant subject line to kassa@ingosy.com and be sure to attach a copy of your portfolio. A graphic designer without a portfolio is... well how do we put this politely? Not going to get hired? That seems about right. We look forward to hearing from you, if we do not reply to your email within 47 seconds, make sure to follow up with us until we do.


Ingosy Team of beautiful, talented, beet loving human beings.

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